What Can You Expect From A Consultation?
Consultations are provided to you in the comfort of your home, whether it is virtual or an in home visit. All consultations are confidential and personalized.
Your consultation will include:
- A comprehensive medical history of you, your baby and your birth experience.
- An assessment of your challenges, concerns and personal breastfeeding goals.
- A full body anatomical and functional assessment of your baby.
- An assessment of your breasts and nipples, as indicated.
- A weighted feeding, as indicated.
- An observation of you feeding your baby.
- A detailed and individualized plan of care.
- Individualized flange sizing included with all initial consultations
- Follow up care or referral, as needed.
- At the end of the visit I will provide you with a superbill (itemized receipt) that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement, if you wish. Your plan of care will be sent to you within 24 hours.
- Upon request I can also forward your report to your healthcare provider (OB-GYN, pediatrician or pediatric dentist).
- Continued support and encouragement.
Topics That May Be Covered During A Consultation
Milk Supply
Nipple Damage
Latching Difficulties
Bottle Challenges or Refusals
Recurrent Plugged Ducts, Mastitis or Nipple Blebs
Nipple or Breast Pain
Infant Weight Loss/ Slow to gain/ Failure to Thrive
Feeding Multiples
Prenatal Preparation/Education For Breastfeeding
Exclusively Pumping
Pump Flange Fitting and Sizing